The general area is known as Schipperskwartier which has recently been 'developed' or 'tamed'. The area of interest still is between St-Paulusstraat and Brouwersvliet, including Verversrui, Vingerlingstraat and Schippersstraat. The Villa Tinto is a major establishment in the area - more information on this link
Brussel / Bruxelles
Rue d'Aerschot/Aarschotstraat, just behind the gare de Nord. If you exit from the railway station at the back, then you will be at the southern end of the windows, and they stretch for some distance (maybe 500m) towards the left (or north). Since they are parallel to the railway, you can view them for a while from a train travelling along the embankment.
A bit further on from the southern end of the Aarschotstraat, a road goes under the railway to the right and the rue de la prairie goes upwards to the left. There are windows on this hill and on the Plantenstraat/rue des plantes and Linnestraat/rue Linné which cut across it. Rivierstraat / rue de la rivière is parallel to rue de la prairie and further south.
The street was named after Aarschot just after the First World War, in recognition of the suffering that Aarschot endured at the hands of the Germans. It was previously named rue de Cologne / Keulenstraat, and thus a candidate for re-naming. This old name was introduced in 2020 for the northern end of the street, so that residents there can disassociate themselves from the more notorious part.
There have been continual attempts to ban street prostitution in the Alhambra Quarter (to the south-west of the gare du Nord). The map shows this district with the proposed new 'allowed' streets. As far as I can make out, everything is unchanged and the old area is still 'active'. A city regulation of 2016 benning the prostitutes from this latter area was overturned by the State Council before Christmas 2016. So at the moment, everything appear to still be unchanged
see • Hotel Studio 2000
The new 'proposed new areas' are
• boulevard d'Anvers between the rue de Laeken and the rue du Pélican
• boulevard Baudouin between the chaussée d'Anvers and the boulevard Albert II
Aarschotstraat houses the headquarters of UTOPSI the sex workers union
The trade has recently been officially prohibited in Charleroi except for the establishments on faubourg de Bruxelles and the N5, both in Gosselie, to the north of the town
The trade formerly centered on 'Le triangle de Charleroi' bounded by the rue Moulin, rue Desandrouin and rue Fenderie, but was officially forced to move by the council to the area around the ministère des Finances: rue des Rivages, rue Monnet, la place des Tramways and the beginning of rue du Grand Central, up to the junction with the rue des Rivages. Seemingly, the trade in the Triangle kept returning and the 'new' areas were less secure. Whether the trade still exists in these areas, irrespective of the new regulations, I do not know at the moment.
Kortrijksesteenweg (N43) on road which leads to Sint-Martens-Latem
Two streets near to each other :-
Pieter Vanderdoncktdoorgang (300 meters north of Gent Zuid railway station (and City Shoppingcentre Gent Zuid), also referred to as glazen straatje presumably because of its arcade nature (see picture).
Belgradostraat, a hundred meters or so further North.
The situation is in a bit of flux at the moment, I believe - follow this link for further information
Rue Saint-Nicolas
Bars along the N4 between Gembloux and Namur. For example : "Le Paradis", "Le Jet Set", "Le Rio", "Les Démons", "Le Club 12", "Le Lolita", "Le Castel", "L'Amazone", "JDD", "Xtase", "Blue Girls".
They might announce "cherche serveuses" or "demande hôtesses".
The current situation is a bit confused, the trade has declined as the relevant area has been re-developed. Possible addresses include Fregatstraat, Oesterbankstraat. Vrijhavenstraat and Vooruitgangstraat (streets next to each other in Hazegras, adjacent to the railway station and ferry terminal); and possibly Langestraat (north of the ferry port),
There were strong proposals to build a centralised centre for sex workers in Hangaar 1, a large building which would also be used for other puropose, similar to Villa Tinto in Antwerpen (and called "Hangaar d'Amour", alllegedly). In 2020, this plan was either rejected, or put on hold (reports differ).
A former big name in the red light scene in Oostende, Angelique Hendler, now runs her own shop at
Christinastraat 26.
rue Marnix
Windows along Luikersteenweg (the N3 road between Sint-Truiden and Liège), known as "Chaussee d'Amour", colloquially, apparently).
Stories tell of traffic being regularly held up because of this 'distraction' and of a higher-than-expected accident rate along this route.