
Güterbahnhof (Goods Station) Wolf in front of the Dienstgebäude (service buildings) und Frachtgutexpedition (freight office), auf den Wolf


The toleration zone is close to the Rhein and the Mittlere Bridge

•   Webergasse: between Untere Rebgasse and Ochsengasse,
•  Ochsengasse: between Webergasse and Teichgässlein,
•  Teichgässlein: between Ochsengasse and Untere Rebgasse.

  • In addition, activities are tolerated in the area around the Güterbahnhofs der Deutschen Bahn (Freight Station of the German Railways) in Erlenmatt. Schwarzwaldallee.

    There could also be some activity to be seen around the park of Claramatte,a little to the east of the 'Ochsengasse' area, e.g. Drahtzugstrasse, Claramattweg. But this is outside the official city-sanctioned toleration zone (and hence the law) and is therefore not recommended (probably more likelihood of drug addicts etc.)

    The White Horse Hotel is on Webergasse and does not hide its location, directly in the middle of the red-light district
    •  Photographs


    Bundesgasse, Teilstück Gurtengasse - Schwanengasse

    Taubenstrasse, Teilstück Sulgeneckstrasse - Rainmattstrasse

    Murtenstrasse, Teilstück Steigerhubelstr. - N12 Viadukt




    Centered on the Paquis district and the rue de Berne.

    Walk down rue de Monthoux (perpendicular to rue de Berne), and two small streets on the left side, rue Pellegrino-Rossi and rue Charles-Cusin, together with the streets crossing them - rue Sismondi and rue Docteur-Alfred-Vincent..

    By car, boulevard Helvetique, near the musee d'histoire naturelle.

    Vénusia à Genève, "the largest erotic parlor in Genève"


    Rue de Genève. (Niederdorf)

    ..but see these new plans from 2016


    Am Grimselweg

    der Tribschenstrasse




    Parkplatz zwischen Bahnhof und Postzentrum


    Kreis 4 und 5

    Langstrasse, Brauerstrasse, Kanonengasse, and intermediate streets of Dienerstrasse, Zwinglistrasse,

    other side of Langstrasse : Zinstrasse, Schöneggstrasse, Hohlstrasse

    further South : Müllerstrasse, Bäckerstrasse

    Niederdorf, Kreis 1 Häringstrasse, Hirschengasse, Graue Gasse, Rosengasse, Wehgasse, Stüssihofstatt, Zähringerplatz

    Sihlquai, next to Limmatplatz. Sihlquai von Parkhaus bei CarParkplatz bis und mit Kornhausbrücke (although the city is now actively trying to 'close down' this location).

    by car, Allmend, Brunau to the south of city center and to the west of the lake.

    Not fully certain about the current situation. I think new legislation officially bans prostitutes in the entire Langstrasse and Sihlquai areas, leaving the city center location of Niederdorf and the location in Brunau.

    In 2013, the city has definitely followed the example of the likes of Köln etc. in introducing 'drive-in' facilities. Location : Depotweg, Altstetten (built on an area adjacent to Aargauerstrasse und Würzgrabenstrasse).

    Zurich, advert for Club Palace
    Advert in Zurich Railway Station showing how open things are in Switzerland.