Bruchstraße, which runs between Wallstraße and Friedrich-Wilhelm-Straße.
Two iron gates stand at either side of the street. The one from Wallstraße stands open mostly, while the other from Friedrich-Wilhelm-Straße allows a permanent narrow entrance.
• Background information here
Helenenstraße (off Vor dem Steintor), in the area known as "Das Viertel", which encompasses parts of the districts of Ostertor and Steintor.
• Background information here
Street work is allowed on Cuxhavener Straße, from 50 Meter from the Waller Stieg up to Rigaer Straße. From 19.00 to 05.00.
Lessingstraße. A former area along Van-Heukelum-Straße was ended so Lessingstrasse is Bremerhaven's only legal area.
Oluf-Samsons-Gang, off Schifbrücke which goes along the harbor (this has come to an end, I think - although several scattered establishments exist in the general neighborhood of the Schifbrücke). The town was the headquarters of the Beate Uhse company until it moved to Hamburg in 2015.
Haus Eros, Güterbahnhofstraße (laufhaus)
St Pauli and its Reeperbahn is obviously renowned. It is also more of a 'tourist' and general entertainment area than most red-light districts. For example, several theaters are to be found on the southern side of the street. Since 2013, two high rise buildings known as the 'Dancing Towers' deliniate the eastern end of the boulevard.
The police presence is very visible with the Davidwache station on the Reeperbahn itself.
On the sectioned-off Herbertstraße, prostitution (behind windows) is allowed around the clock.
In the streets around Herbertstraße (Gunterstraße, Erichstraße, Friedrichstraße, Davidstraße, and Gerhardstraße), women are only allowed to be on the streets from 20:00 onwards. There are no street girls on the Reeperbahn itself. Although there are two brothels there -
• Paradise on the corner of the Reeperbahn and Große Freiheit
• Pink Palace (Sex House), opposite the Davidwache (police station)
also : • Video on the Pink Palace (Sex House)
The Große Freiheit is a side street off the north side of the Reeperbahn, with several bars and club. Its juction with the Reeperbahn is now known as Beatlesplatz (south of which you can find Hans-Albers-Platz). In former years, several sex theatres here (Salambo, Regina, Colibri, Safari) would show live sex acts on stage. Latterly, the Safari was the only live sex theatre left in Germany but that has now closed - details here. A table dance club, Dollhouse, has taken over the premises of Salambo (and the Safari).
• Click on this link for further reading on the area, including its history
The district also contains the Erotic Art Museum, Bernhard 69. Open daily 1000 to midnight.
The status of the St Pauli Museum is currently uncertain. They were located opposite the Davidwache but moved to the Nobistor because of a rent hike. Some sources seem to imply that this museum has since closed
A small selection of bars with tradition :
• Zum Silbersack om Silbersackstrasse
• zur Ritze
How to Get There : U-Bahn: St. Pauli; S-Bahn: Reeperbahn;
(it is however within walking distance from Hamburg City Center, if you are in the mood)
Another district has existed on the other side of the City Center adjacent to the Hauptbahnhof, namely St. Georg, centered on the Hansa Platz. This was a more 'traditional' district operating all times of the day. I should stress that this is now officially a Sperrgebiet so that punters are possibly likely to be breaking the law and all that entails.
" target=rl>Documentary on general area adjacent to the Hauptbahnhof and St Georg,
• Here you can find a few photographs of the St Georg area
• Straße soll nach Ex-Prostituierter Domenica Niehoff benannt werden. Road to be named after ex-prostitute. The „Domenica-Niehoff-Twiete“ is in Altona. A wax effigy of her is also to be found in the Panoptikum.
• Olivia Jones opens the first Porno-Karaoke-Bar in Deutschland
• The Eros Center. This was the forerunner of the Eros Centers that are now common in Deutschland. It was opened in 1967, allegedly as a result of local residents complaining about the large number of sex workers they would encounter as the residents engaged in their normal everyday life. The name was thought up by the wife of the owner. There were entrances on Grosse Freiheit and adjacent to the 'Ritze' bar.
• The former Eros center on the Grosse Freiheit is now the St Josephs Hotel
• The End of the Golden Times, among others relates the story of the several murders in the early 1980s
• The Elbschlosskeller
• St Pauli Rotlichtviertel more to do with the 'normal' people who live here
• Paten von St Pauli / Godfathers of St Pauli, No 1,
[No 2],
[No 3]
Just ouside Hamburg, in Pinnenberg
• Mosque versus Brothel in Pinnenberg
Schlachthofstraße. 29. walk through brothel (not too sure whether it still exists)
There are two areas
in the center (underground station Steintor)
and on the parallel Scholvinstraße
slightly further afield -
Braun 8, Braunstraße 8
The former 'Sex World' in Reitwallstrasse, has been converted into a residential building (it used to be between the two Spielothek).
From the main railway station, take rear exit, turn left keeping the bus station on your left - Ludwigstraße is further along on the left
Eroscenter Kiel, Wall 50
Clemensstraße, now defunct.
Eros-Center-Oldenburg, An der Braker Bahn 6
Goldener Anker, Stau 47
Das Rote Haus, Eisenbahnstraße 18, opposite the main railway station